
The 911 emergency telephone system is in place in Central Huron to assist citizens with Police, Medical or Fire emergencies. It should be realized that non-emergency calls to the 911 system can create delays in handling other very serious emergencies that require immediate attention. The following are some general guidelines for the proper use of the 911 system.

What happens if you dial 9-1-1?

1. A central Call-Taker in responds immediately, and asks “Do you require police, fire, or ambulance?” You say which of the three you need.


  • If you say nothing, all three will be sent automatically
  • If you need more than one, say one of the ones you need. The rest will be sent after step 2 (see below).


2. Your call, as well as the address from which you are placing the call will be automatically forwarded to a local dispatcher. Stay on the line. The local dispatcher will confirm your address. You will have the opportunity then to specify details as to the nature of the emergency, including any other assistance you might need.

  • If you call from a cell phone or a 4-party line, you will not have an address automatically forwarded to the local dispatcher. In this case, you must specify your location.
  • If you call from a location other than the site of the emergency, the location from which you are calling will be sent to the local dispatcher. In this case, you must specify the location of the actual emergency.

3. The local dispatcher will send the emergency services required.

Enhanced 9-1-1 means that all that really needs to be done to get emergency services to your house is to dial 9-1-1. Even if, for any reason, you are not able to have a conversation or speak into the telephone, police, fire and ambulance will arrive at the location from which the call is placed.